Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Need a Hero - But I'm Not the Only One! Part II

Okay. I admitted it. I need a hero. 
That’s a bitter pill for me to swallow, by the way. I’m a died in the wool I-can-do-it-myself gal. I guess I figure if I’m not dependent on anyone but myself, I’ll never have to be disappointed, right?
To tell the truth, I’m not that great at doing-it-myself either. I mean, I’ve just spent ten years living in a cow camp with no electricity only to divorce and end up in a crazy house with 400 doors, a dead-cow ghost in the bathroom and no running water. I have no job and more doors in my house than dollars in my bank account.
Someone told me once the world is full of knights in shining armor but I’m too busy piling them in the saddle and giving Ol’ Whitey a slap on the rear to notice. I’m starting to think that might be true. Somewhere between Cinderella and Single at 47, I gave up on the whole idea of heroes.
And then I read about Adam.
Wait, wait, wait, you say. You mean the guy in the Bible? That Adam?
Sinner Guy?
Yeah. Sinner Guy.
You know, Adam is kind of an interesting man. He had unique living arrangements. (This, from the queen of bizarre living arrangements.) His home was a garden and the only other occupant in the entire world was God. But even 24/7 God wasn’t enough to fill Adam.
Adam needed a wife.
Cue music: Here Comes The Bride
At this point, it’s tempting to fast forward to the proverbial apple. But wait. Let’s talk about Eve.
Eve had a weakness. God knew about it when he made her and he knew about it when he gave her to Adam. He knew about it when he said it is good.
So, we all know the rest of the story. She sinned, and it changed her and, suddenly, she’s different from Adam. She’s mortal. She’s flawed. She’s dying. She has a sin nature now, so she offers the fruit to Adam which puts him at a crossroads. But, unlike Eve, he's not deceived. He knows exactly what’s at stake.
He has to choose between his Father and his wife.
Between life in the garden and life in the desert.
Whether he will live forever with God or die with Eve.
The scales are kind of weighted in God’s favor. I mean, as far as I can see, he holds all the cards, here.
And yet, Adam picked Eve. Why? I mean, God could have made a new bride. He did it once, he can do it again. Maybe the next one will be even better. Eve 2.0.
And yet, he chose the apple. Scripture doesn’t say this, but I don’t think temptation was Adam’s problem. He didn’t have a thing for fruit. He had a thing for his wife. And let me add, at this point, her once perfect body is now mortal. Her once flawless features are flawed. The old gray mare aint what she used to be.
And yet, he still loved her. He was still committed to her. So much so that he chose to make himself like her. He chose to become one (dying, rotting, decaying) flesh with her.
Don’t you know somewhere in the universe a buzzer went off? I can hear it now ... Brrzzzzt. Wrong choice, Adam.
Angels shake their head in dismay. What kind of man chooses a chick over God?
The kind of man who couldn’t leave the woman he loved behind. The kind of man who knew the true character of his Father. The kind of man who is made in the image of God. All that quality time with God paid off. It created within Adam the heart of a savior.
Sure, Adam ended up being remembered for eternity as Sinner Guy. But before that, he was a Hero.
Like his dad.

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