I’ll tell you a secret: the banker has never actually seen all the cows at the same time.
I’ll tell you another secret: neither have I.
Where do they go? How does a 1000 pound short hairy animal hide? I think they’re really shape shifters and they’re pretending to be trees.
So what do you do with shape shifting cows? You bring out the big guns, that’s what.
(Cue music from Ghostbusters.)
Zach and his trusted steed, Cedar.
Cows tremble at the mention of their names.
Today, the banker’s gonna give it another shot. I tell you what, if those dang leather bags don’t line up at the feed spot, I’m gonna sic that boy on them, I swear. And when he gets done…
Well … when he gets done, I’m going to wave good bye at the gate, cause I’m pretty sure I won’t be seeing them again for a long time.
Maybe I shoulda been a farmer. At least corn stays in the ground where you plant it.
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